
I’ve been trying the hello world tutorial and everything went OK, but the two bits of text G’day World and hello world, were not called into the template when I browsed the front page.

What have I missed out?


What have I missed out?

Tough to say. You’ll just need to make sure you’ve followed the tutorial very carefully. As we all know, a single typo can cause worlds of problems ;)

I don’t think the tutorial is very clear/good.

Happy to hear suggestions on how it could be improved.

@SimonLove: Sure it would be great to improve the tutorial so that in the end even unexperienced or impatient developers can make it. But please try and be both, more gentle and more precise. If I was czheng (who spent days and weeks writing those tutorials), I wouldn’t appreciate to hear like “I don’t think the tutorial is very clear/good”.

@SimonLove - This might be helpful. Stephen Bau (bauhouse in the forums) put together a tutorial series on how to setup a Symphony 2 site. His tutorials are located on his site,

I hope this helps some.


Thanks for that. If I was to give you more detailed instructions of what my problem is, would you be prepared to have a quick look?



Most definitely. I’d love to identify where the problem spot was in the tutorial and get it sorted. My email is craig@ this domain.


OK, I’ve fixed it. I’m not exactly sure what I did wrong initially but it is to do with step 3 - Grab the Data. When the tutorial says - Blueprints > Components. Click the green Create New button above the Data Sources column.

I did this but it didn’t look like screenshot in the tutorial. Also it says - Click “Create Data Source”. There isn’t a “Create Data Source” on the page??? Couldn’t see it anywhere.

I knew it was just one thing because the top part of the page(Symphony Greets the World Greetings) was OK, it just wasn’t loading the ul items(hello world & G’day world)

I think that it would be an improvement to the tutorial if there were two versions of the tutorial: A verbose version where everything is explained fully and unambiguously and blow by blow version with minimal text. This be useful when somebody was having problems because they could just go over the steps without having to negotiate through all the different pages and links. Just an idea.



What’s the best book for learning xml and xslt that would suit symphony? Are there any books out there that discuss using xml and xslt as per content management?



  1. This thread has a lot of great resources.
  2. Also W3Schools has a nice step-by-step tutorial.
  3. Any book by Jeni Tennison.
  4. Also, the book, XSLT Quickly is nice one as well.

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