
Not sure if this was answered sufficiently before, but basically I have an unordered list, that just displays 3 generated records. What I want to do is show any 3, if I have 10 records, I want it to show any 3 in a random manner. Is there not a method for doing this?

Just thinking on, this may become more complex, as I may end up with the same advert more than once, when I would want 3 unique ads out of say 10.

Is it possible for this to be automated?

Possible solutions:

  1. Put the all in the source and use JS to randomly hide 7
  2. Use a custom DS to give 3 randomly chosen in the XML
  3. Have a DS provide you with all 10 in the XML, and use XSLT to randomly choose 3

Hmm, the third seems more likely for my skills.

But I believe there is no random function in XSLT.

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