
Is there anyway I can have an uppercase URL handle. I enter it as uppercase, but then Symphony defaults it back to lower case.

I'm trying to change this url:

to this

I have tried this:

RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^$

Nothing doing though, any ideas???

Anybody have any experience with this?

Strange that it's case sensitive. You could try changing your rewrite rule to:

RewriteRule ^c6/$ /C6/

See if that works. Pretty sure you don't need to specify the full URL's

Hmm, that gives me a 404 error now, and the url still stays the same

Sorry Alistair, the site is pre S2, its on 1.7 - as I understand it doesn't happen in S2. I have flagged it up here because the old Overture site is not frequented as often.

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