
has anyone had any luck with inserting bulk entries? i’m building on top of a poorly-designed system and i need to add ~100 entries with all the same data. i could probably chain together an ugly sql statement and put it in a php script, but i’m afraid i’d muck it up and corrupt the database since i’m not 100% confident yet that i have a solid understanding of the table relationships.

You need the Xml Importer extension. It does everything you will need for importing bulk entries, only with xml…

All you will need to do is output the current database into an xml file. Does it have a frontend, or have you just been handed the database?

I’m sure we could find a way to do it ;)

EDIT: I’m working on a php script that you can customise with db details that will output your data! Bear with me…

the entries i’d like to add haven’t been created yet. i need to create several duplicate new entries, and creating hundreds of entries by hand sounds like an ultra drag.

@fawx - What kind of system are you moving information from?

i’ve got a symphony system that was originally designed in a fashion where users could use a text input to add entries. now i’m scrapping the text input in favor of a drop-down with several options. what i’m attempting to do is go back over those old typed-in entries and replace them with text that conforms to the options in the drop-down.

i’ve written a php script that tells me how many times a particular major word from each drop down option occurs in the old entries and with some of them in the hundreds, i’m looking for a way to enter that many newly-formatted entries into the table.

I have used my Duplicate Entry extension to add lots of entries quickly. It’ll require you clicking the Save button one hundred times but when it’s running locally I’ve found this the quickest way to flood a section with dozens of entries for testing purposes.

Or use XML Importer, and include 100 entries in the XML; easily done with copy/paste.

@fawx - Would you mind sharing how your current section is setup? What fields are you using in that section?

thanks, nick. i’ll check that out.

I completely misread what you were saying there, sounded like you wanted to import another database into Symphony sections…

I don’t understand why you would want 100 duplicate entries in one section?? May just be me…

@fawx - would you mind posting and letting us know if XML Importer worked for you? If you need some help with the XML Importer, look over the XML Importer thread and post any questions you may have in that thread.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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