
I'm having great difficulty figuring out why after the transformation, my HTML entities are rendered in my HTML source code.

As you'll see in my XML (see attached), the XML has the HTML entities in them. Then when you look at the HTML code (see other attached), the entities are rendered in the code instead of preserving those entities in the HTML code.

Can anyone help me?

The XSL that I'm using is <xsl:copy-of select="body/*>


Can you post the full XSLT here?

Allen and thewolf helped me figure this out. I had to change the output to HTML and the encoding has to be set to ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8.

Thanks again!!!

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
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