
Is it possible to install Symphony on Mac OS 10.6.3 (Snow Leopard) without installing packages from source or using MAMP?

My PHP info seems to match up with the requirements, but after a successful install I’m redirected to /symphony and all I see is a directory listing (assets, content, lib, template). The root page looks ok, but none of the links work (404 not found).

Are these just htaccess issues?


That’s usually what it comes down to, yes.

Is there a reason you are avoiding MAMP? From my experience it’s much more powerful (and user-friendly) than using the built-in OS X stuff. Also, from what I hear, it’s safer for your machine as well.

It is definitely, all in one place. Only problem is getting extra extensions in and running.

I’m on MAMP Pro.

Did you install mysql? I think this tutorial is complete, ofcourse you migth also install phpmyadmin and virtualhost.

MAMP is cool bc you can back it up, move computers easily, but safer, come on…?

I make a point of not using pre-packaged solutions like MAMP - they are most definitely not safer. I’ve had a few of these third party web packages leave my system in an unrecoverable state after install/uninstall. My advice is that it is always worth the effort learning how to install your tools properly (which in the case of MySQL/PostgreSQL can mean installing from source). The version of Apache that came with Snow Leopard is completely fine for development.

Here’s a sample vhost entry from my install that works with the default Snow Leopard install:

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/Users/tonyarnold/Sites/"
<Directory "/Users/tonyarnold/Sites/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All

It’s the AllowOverride All that you really need in that statement - the default settings on Mac OS X are quite restrictive.

…said third party developer tonyarnold ;-)

No need to install mysql from source nowadays. BTW Tony do you know a more simple way for the virtualhosts? I once read something about a setting so you could add hosts in one file, instead of in vhost and host config (what the above script automates)

Meanwhile you can install MySQL using ready-made installer packages. It’s a snap.

Yes, PHP is working fine if you are on Snow Leopard.

What you have to do is:

  • enable and configure virtual hosts
  • enable PHP (in Apache)
  • install phpMyAdmin

That’s about it. May take about several days (first time) to half an hour (10th time). :-)

for the virtual hosts, i would highly suggest VirtualHostX.

But it’s a good exercise to do it using the Terminal and a text editor. :-)

@newnomad - I have something in the works to properly add new virtual hosts locally. You should not ever touch /etc/hosts (if you are currently), and yet so many people still recommend it on the mac.

Here are some quick instructions on how you should be doing it:

sudo dscl localhost -create /Local/Default/Hosts/ridiculous.nonsense.monkeys IPAddress

Enter your password when asked, and you can now ping with the name ridiculous.nonsense.monkeys.

You can see the list of all your virtual hosts with:

dscl localhost -readall /Local/Default/Hosts

And to remove a virtual host:

sudo dscl localhost -delete /Local/Default/Hosts/ridiculous.nonsense.monkeys

You can see the current impact of your /etc/hosts with this command:

dscl localhost -readall /BSD/local/Hosts

In apache2 you can use something like

VirtualDocumentRoot /Users/henry/Sites/%0

to get it to automagically pick up anything you put in your sites folder as a domain.

Well, this got offtopic I guess. :P

I removed all the other crap about hosts files cause I was wrong wrong wrong.

Got it working with the Directory directives from tonyarnonld above. For my particular case, I have installed mysql with homebrew, installed Symphony via Git, and since I use VirtualHostX for… virtual hosts all I needed to do was add this to the Custom Directives Directory area for the Symphony host:

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride All

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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