
Symphony does handle umlauts for url's in a nice way, changing "ö" into oe, for instance. But I would prefer having å -> a, ä -> a and ö -> o. How do I do that?

I think you can change the single translations in "symphony/lib/lang/lang.en.php" -- never tried that though.

Tried to make changes in lang.en.php, but they didn't do any difference.

I don't know about other countries with umlaut characters, but here in Sweden, the internet "standard" has become just skipping the dots and rings, like I state in the original post.

Have you resaved your entries?

No. I thought that the translation was made on the fly, when the DS's are executed.

But, what I was after in the second paragraph: What is the common way to deal with umlauts in other countries? If I make this manual change, and then forget to make it again when updating Symphony in the future, I'm in trouble.

I would like a setting in the manifest to choose how umlauts should be treated.

As it's now possible to translate the interface each language will have its own transliteration and though its own umlaut settings. If you just change an umlaut to a normal vocal in Sweden this will be possible in the Swedish language file.

But if I want to keep English as the backend language, what do you recommend then?

thoresson, You can either modify transliterations in symphony/lib/lang/lang.en.php, or duplicate that file, change it's name to something like lang.enumlauts.php and then modify transliterations :).

What I'm afraid of is forgetting to make the same changes when I upgrade in the future. That would give me both kinds of translations eventually. But duplicating the content into another file could perhaps solve this? How can I force Symphony to use the translations in lang.enumlauts.php?

thoresson, just change value of language variable in manifest/config.php file.


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