
I have a simple blog-style setup on my site which has a single URL param for the title of an post. This feeds a DS which pulls the post.

So far, so standard.

The weird thing is that I have written a new post, but if I give it some titles, it will never load and give me a (symphony delivered) 404, and with slightly altered titles it will work just fine.

For example, if I name the article “Zend Framework” so the URL parameter is “zend-framework” then it doesn’t pull the post and I get a 404.

If I change it to “Zend review” so the URL parameter is “zend-review” it works fine. I have tried changing several times and some work, some don’t. There seems to be no logic to the behaviour at all.

I have checked the .htaccess file and I can’t find any rewrite rules that look like they might be causing the problem, so I really have no idea.

I am on 2.08 RC1, any help greatly appreciated.

Maybe there’s a bad entry in your database that’s confusing it? Weird.

It turns out merely to be a long-running issue of me being an idiot.

I am using my own URL router extension, and I had a dodgy regex that was causing the problem. I was matching the word “work” without word boundaries so when it was trying to process the url “zend-framework-review” it was picking up the “work” in the middle and spitting out a gibberish destination URL that wasn’t there.

Apologies for any misplaced concern this may have caused!!

Regex work in weird and wonderful ways :-)

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