
So is everything working for you now, cafca? Just want to be sure :)


I just wanted to report that the download ensamble link is dead, but the git seams oki.

This ensemble just moved to a new home:

Nothing changed besides the URL but it will be updated when Symphony 2.3final is available next year.

This is a beautiful ensemble, Nils. To use this on the latest Symphony 2.2 version, if that is even possible, is it best to hand-copy the various bits and pieces in, from the ensemble's 2.0, to a new install of 2.2?

Kind regards, Rick

If you install the ensemble and than updated to the latest Symphony and extension versions you should be fine. Some things may break due to extension incompatibilities though.

We are planing to continue development of this ensemble but that will take a bit of time.

Hi Nils - thank you. Indeed, I tried that. I installed via git, then when I do a git pull it just gets that from your copy of the repository and says there is nothing to update. Is there any way to install via git, then update to latest via git? I have searched the forum but I think I must be using the wrong words or something, because I cannot find anything on this topic, except to say "it is a challenge". :-)


Okay, this is what I would do:

  • Clone the main Symphony repository and checkout version 2.0.8RC2 – sadly it's not tags correctly, but it should be this commit:
  • Now manually add the extensions bundled with the Pompodium ensemble as submodules to your clone.
  • Copy the workspace folder that is bundled with the Pompodium ensemble manually to your cloned repository.
  • Install Symphony as usual.
  • Update Symphony and all extensions to the latest version.

Theoretically this should work. Practically there might be issue on the way I'm not aware of at the moment – a lot has changed since the released of this ensemble. But give it a try.

Ah, I see - great idea and thank you, Nils!

Pompodium has been updated to version 2.0.1! It is available on Github and can be evaluated for free. Check out the new ensemble page here:

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