
I’ve installed the Frontend Membership extension and most of the things work fine. I’m using the latest version of Symphony 2.0.7 and version 1.2.1 beta of the Frontend Membership extension.

(1) Edit and delete roles

The roles that I’ve created, will not disappear when I apply the delete function.

(2) Adding new members into the database.

When I add a new member from the back-end and set the role to, for example: member it works fine, but when I add a member and set his role to “Inactive” I’ll get this error message:

An error occurred while attempting to run query: SELECT * FROM `sym_members_email_templates` WHERE `id` =  LIMIT 1
/var/www/g33026/ line 307

302         $query = $this->__prepareQuery($query);
304         $this->_last_query = $query;
306         $result = mysql_query($query, $this->_connection); 
307         if($result === false) throw new Exception('An error occurred while attempting to run query: ' . $query);
309         return new $returnType($this, $result);
310     } 

I get the same error when I try to add a member from the front-end. The XSLT file looks like this:

<form method="post" action="?debug">
        <input name="fields[username-and-password][username]" type="text" />
        <input name="fields[username-and-password][password]" type="password" />
        <label>E-mail adres</label>
        <input name="fields[email-address]" type="text" />
        <input name="action[members-register]" type="submit" value="Registreer" />

My “member” section is still the same as with a clean install.

(3) Making a login form.

I’m also wondering how to create a login form, because I can’t find the documentation for this. I read the whole discussion of this extension, with no result.

I hope that someone can help me with these issues…

@whgdesign - I would suggest that you move to latest 2.0.8 RC3… I find it more stable than 2.0.7. That might help.

I’ll try the latest version. I hope the problems are solved with this update..

Sending an email when making an account for the Inactive role is still not working with this version of Symphony, any solutions?

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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