
I'm working on a website in maintenance mode:

  1. I can't set the page live.
  2. I need to show the frontend to somebody.
  3. I don't want that somebody to log into the backend. It's just the frontend he should be interested in.

What can I do?
Is there anyway to get remote access working on the frontend?

You could create a new user and enable "remote login", then give out a URL that includes that user's login token (e.g., However, this would still mean they'd have access to the admin.

I can't think of any other way to do this besides disabling maintenance mode.

Ah great!

However, this would still mean they'd have access to the admin.

My third note wasn't precise enough. I have no problem if the user is able to access the backend. I just want to send a link directly to the frontpage without the need to go through the backend login.

Thanks, Scott! I'll try the ?auth= thing.

PS: I activated the author token and tried to login via a link with ?auth=alsdkjflk but it does not seem to work. Any ideas?

I think Scott is getting confused between 1.7 and the beta. I'm not sure how to make the authentication token work on the front-end.

In Rev5, try using ?auth-token=XXX instead of ?auth=XXX.

That works - thanks!

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