
Hi all,

I’ve started work on a Campaign Monitor extension. The idea is to bring as much of the basic day-to-day admin functions into the Symphony admin interface, creating a simpler and more consistent user experience.

Now, this is my first extension and I’ve been having fun hacking away and trying to learn how it’s done. Needless to say, I’ve come up against my first real problem.

My extension adds a page to the System menu and currently all that page displays is a subscriber list from CM. The one function I’d like to be able to perform at this point, is when one or more of these subscribers is selected from the list, they can be unsubscribed using the action options at the bottom of the table.

I’ve followed the code from the Extension list page and also from extensions by other users, so I think I’m on the right track. However, the __actionIndex function in my code never seems to fire.

What am I doing wrong? Any help will be much appreciated. You can get the code here:

Thanks in advance. Neil

I can’t answer specifically, but I know these methods are controlled by the __switchboard method in class.administrationpage.php. Try poking around in there by dumping the contents of $context perhaps.

Thanks Nick, I’ll take a look.

What’s the status of this extension?

I’ve installed it and can see a “Campaign monitor” section under System which lists my subscribers, but nothing else. Should there be more?

Neil, Have you looked at the mailchimp extension as inspiration?

Would it be usefull to have a thread listing all newsletter extensions?
swiftmailer to gmail smtp (500 max), Michael-e’s one, mailchimp, CM,… a critsend-one would surely rock!

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