
I'm getting this weird error:

Line 51 – Could not find Field ''. If the Field was provided by an Extensions, ensure that it is installed, and enabled.

I'm not sure what Line 51 is referring to exactly. I get this error when I try and edit my Sections. The only change I can think of is the recent update for the field.upload.php file in regards to keeping meta data. however, I reverted that file back to the original php file to no avail.

any clues?

it could be useful if error messages had file names, if that's at all possible.

Odd. Does this happen when creating a new section?

@alistair, yes it throws the same error.

What happens if you disable field extensions?

No dice. I disabled all extensions (only three - Markdown, TinyMCE, Session Monster). any clue what file could throw this error on Line 51?

Eh, I see why the error is so useless, take a look at this commit to see why. Try the updated code from git here, that should give you more information about why its failing.

awesome. that new line was much more useful. I was storing a backup file in the toolkit/fields folder and I didn't know that symphony read the folder structure to link all the files together. so it was looking for a class.whatever_filename.php which was obviously nonexistent. thanks for helping out!

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