
I deduce that the Symphony version is 2.4. The method prepareReadableValue for fields was introduced in Symphony 2.5. SBL 1.31 is meant to be compatible with Symphony 2.4, but it is trying to call a method that does not exist in the field class in Sym. 2.4.

Hello, I installed SBL 1.32; it's possible to filter a DS by SBL using 'regexp'? I tried various combination but I can't get working.

I got a problem. I think, that I misunderstood something in concept, but have no glue to find it out. I have Symphony 2.6.3 with SBL 1.33. The problem occurs, when I'm trying to add SBL field to my section. In the Values selection field I can't find the one, required. Where is it comes from? How can I enable Symphony to present my own data in this list? Sorry, for such dumb question, but I feel myself wasted, with such a lot futile attempts to solve it.

Maybe the following practical example can help you out. A fresh Symphony installation for a bibliographic archive has two sections:

  • a section named Categories which has one Text Input field named Name (it contains entries like “Sci-Fiction Novel”, “Detective Novel”, …);
  • a section named Books which contains a Text Input field named Title and a Select Box Link named Category.

The Select Box Link of the latter should have among its Values Categories : Name. If you select the value Name, every time you create a new entry in the section Books, you can associate to it one (or more) of the entries in the section Categories—their Name is used as an identifier)—given the section Categories has already some existing entries.

Thank you so much. I've tried to use XML Select Box field type in my Section. It was a wrong way, as I see. The problem I'm trying to solve is Country->Area->City guide with Linked Select Boxes. I have read a lot of stuff on that issue in this forum, but no success. Can you show me the right way of doing things? I have such type of XML with 'Country->Area->City' mappings (example):

  <name>Moscow region</name>

Can I use XML Import Module for filling my section, or maybe there is another way(XML SelectBox, or smth.)? What field types should I use in my Sections to make such linking? How can I setup links between this fields to make filtering of descendent ones?

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