
Hi please help!

I am trying to use the file upload field but I keep getting the error below in the main log

filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /home/sites/ An error occurred in /home/sites/ around line 376 371: // Do a simple reconstruction of the file meta information. This is a workaround for 372: // bug which causes all meta information to be dropped 373: return array( 374: ‘file’ => $data, 375: ‘mimetype’ => self::sniffMIMEType($data), 376: ‘size’ => filesize(WORKSPACE . $data), 377: ‘meta’ => serialize(self::getMetaInfo(WORKSPACE . $data, self::sniffMIMEType($data))) 378: ); 379: 380: }

All information on fixing this will be much appreciated

Thanks piquet

What version of Symphony are you using?

I’m on 2.0.8RC3 and the code inside the field.upload.php isn’t the same as above.

I was using 2.0.7RC2.

I have since upgraded to 2.0.7 and it seems to be fine now, but still toying with it.

Thanks for replying, I didn’t know how to delete the post that’s why it was still up

May I suggest an upgrade to 2.0.8RC3, it’s well known to be very stable, and is the final candidate before the 2.0.8 release. 2.0.7 still has some bugs that the team have fixed in 2.0.8RC3.

Could you please provide me with a link to 2.0.8RC3?

The link in the history goes to 404

Look like it’s available on GitHub only at the moment:

Hi Michael

Thanks for the link.

I have successfully set it up but wondering what happened to the default extensions.

I cannot see them in the extension list and cannot use them either.

Can you please let me know what I am missing

Thanks PK

The extensions would have to be downloaded from GitHub manually, unless you’re pulling using Git (I don’t know how to do that). Once downloaded, just put them in the extensions folder replacing the empty ones, then you’ll see them in the extensions list in the backend…

The extensions are submodules (from a Git perspective). So you might be able to download and include them using like git submodule update --init, or add them manually like designermonkey pointed out.

Thanks guys

I assumed the extensions were bundled together with the release and therefore did not check if they’re container directories actually had anything in there.

Thanks Again

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