
Hi there, I need some pointers to how i can filter by multiple inputs. My situation is like this:

'Works' page with multiple items, each item has 'title', 'type', 'director', 'agency', etc...

Now,i can create a new ds to filter 'works' by {$director} and when i go to root/works/a-director/ i get the filtered results. that's nice, but... I read all the entries in the forum about filtering and such, but i can't manage to get the multiple filtering thing work. I would like to know how i can setup my ds to allow me to filter the works by director or by agency or by type...

thanks in advance, ea

you can take a look at this post:

whenever I have an issue with filtering I usually turn to this first and a really good source to learn much more about s2. You may want to do a search for Enumeration on that page. Basically, it allows you to set fallbacks if some parameter is not there. So for your situation, if you are filtering only with one value, but you wanted to use all those different fields as filters, you could probably write this:



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