
I'm having trouble filtering a DS and was wondering if anyone had some ideas. I may be doing something that isn't possible with Symphony 2 r5.

I currently have a section called 'Static Pages' that has a select box that has a dynamic option to grab the name field of another section called 'Block Content'. (Basically, I want to be able to pull various bits of content that is repeated all over the site and easily choose which ones appear on each static page.)

When I output my 'Static Pages' I also want to pull the 'Block Content' data that is being linked to in the Select box.

I am able to filter the linked Block Content by a parameter on my Static Pages DS. {$ds-static-pages} This works fine until I "Allow selection of multiple options" on the Select Box, then the the DS no longer returns results.

Example Parameters:

My Block Content DS will return 1 result with a param like this:

 $ds-static-pages         'Sign-Up Button'

But will not return any results if more than one linked item is given

 $ds-static-pages         'Sign-Up Button, Overall Results'

Is there a better way to do this? I hate to have to use the one parameter output on my Static Pages DS for this. I'd like to find a better way to filter 'Block Content' results by what the 'Static Page' has selected in the Select Box.


Scratch that -- I didn't figure out the problem. >:-(

I was unable to figure out how to do what I wanted, so I compromised and linked the 'Content Block' to the 'Static Page' using a select box rather than the other way around. This way the param only returns one value for the Content Block DS to filter on, the page title. It's a bit counter intuitive, but oh well!

I've done something similar, but simpler. I've used one data source "Features" with a textarea for the content and a "Pages" multi-select field. This has static values, with the same values as the Title of each of my actual Symphony Pages. The DS then filters Features by the Symphony $page-title param.

For a more dynamic solution you could try the Pages Select Field extension, and filter by the $current-page param.

That's about what I did. I forgot about the Pages Select Field. I'm using it for my Static Pages. I think that's what I'll do.

It still bothers me, though. Seems counter intuitive to have to got to the Content Block and choose what page it belongs to. I'd rather go to that page and select what I want to appear on it so I don't overload it.

Oh well. Still a hell of a lot better than Expression Engine!

I am using your solution as well. If you had authors on your website, they would mess up everything if they had access to pages! The solution you described will work well, because all the authors need is access to content sections (meaning sections' content...). Normally I call this section static content or standard content. Authors will understand that.

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