
I remember reading a looong time ago about modifying the SMTP Library Extension to use another SMTP Library.

I can’t for the life of me find the instructions and I’ve honestly been looking for an hour now.

As my host lied to me (they’re currently getting loads of legal sh*t off me now!) and told me I could mod php values from htaccess, I signed up for three years contract. Now I find I can’t so can’t use the Members extension as it is currently set up.

I remember someone doing it. Can anyone remember what thread it was in?


Is there any other way of using the PEAR Library bundled with the SMTP Library Extension? Without modding htaccess I mean?

Cheers in advance peeps!

Did you mean bauhouse’s mail branch of the members extension? It uses PHPs mail function.

Thanks Jonas! I couldn’t remember at all!

I’m switching hosts anyway, getting very peeved with the bull that they seem to have spun me…

Actually, that’s not it. There was an actual rewrite explained for the library of the SMTP Mail Extension, to make it usable with the unofficial Members extension, without the PEAR Library. I think it used Swift Mailer…

I read talk of it in the thread for the unofficial members ext, but not how to do it.

I hope I’m not going crazy…

I once talked about replacing Symphony’s core email function by a new function (which then makes use of the Swift Mailer library). And I was talking about an (unofficial) “SMTP Email extension”, which also uses Swiftmailer and provides a new email event that can be attached to pages.

Did you have in mind one of these?

Yeah, but I’m sure I read somewhere that someone had done it…

Maybe I’m dreaming eh Michael?! lol

A lot of shared hosts don’t allow changing of the php include paths via htaccess, so the current PEAR library use is not compatiable with loads of hosts. I really need the Official Members Extension for a big project but can’t use it now :(

If I knew enough PHP I would give it a go myself, but alas…

The team is working on abstracting the email layer, so you might have a chance soon…

PS, Jonas, you were kind of right in the first place ;) Thanks…

Aha! Found what I was after… Would help if I was even looking for the right thing!

Editing the Members extension to use mail() function for those of us who can’t use SMTP

Thanks for all your help guys, and I will be waiting with baited breath for the 2.2 release compatible Members extension!

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