
Hi guys,

I've downloaded S2 for a play with the Frontend Authorization extension on my localhost, however when I go to the frontend to view the page the HTML is being displayed back to me with Events comments and all.

My local environment is PHP version 5.2.6, MySQL version 5.0.41, zLib is enabled (not entirely sure if its On or how to turn it on), XSL is enabled, 1.1.24 (libxslt compiled against libxml 2.6.32) Mod rewrite is enabled and safe mode is off.

Any idea what the problem is?

I've got the same problem.

See the attached image


Hmm, that's a new one. What is the content type of the page? Looks like it's getting served incorrectly.

Where would you set the content type, is that not set to text/html automatically?

Where would you set the content type, is that not set to text/html automatically?

Yeah, it should be, and text/html is the default. But it seems your server is doing something else. The only place Symphony sets the content type explicitly is when serving an XML page. Did this happen when you installed the "Frontend Authorization" Extension? or did it happen before that?

Well spotted Alistair, just disabled the frontend auth extension and all is fine, any idea why? I'm using MAMP as the local server environment.

Sorry to bump but I'm still left wondering whether the problem I was having was due to a bug in the Frontend Auth extension (will it be fixed any time soon) or if it was my server, any clarification?

I've tried on MAMP and on my online server, same problem. It's a bug in the Frontend extension. If you disable it, everything is fine.

Seems as though content type is text/html normally, but as soon as the extension is enabled it becomes text/plain. There is nothing in the Extension that sets any header of any kind, so this is very strange. All I can think of is that since Symphony doesn't explicitly set the Content type header unless its an XML page, that some code in the Extension causes PHP to incorrectly guess the content as text/plain.

Explicitly setting the content type in Symphony fixes it though. I've committed the change, and it can be found at

Thanks alistair, that worked perfectly for me

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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