
Hi All, been looking at all the new stuff thats happening round here and gotta say! frickin awesome work!

Question, I have a client who wishes to have an availablity calendar displayed on the front end of the site. With a backend config/admin section to check the morning or or afternoon of each day as Booked or vacant..

Are there any plugins that would aide in the building of such functionality that immediately springs to anyones minds?

Any pointers would be greatly apprecieated!

The date and time field should be a great aid

Ok Cool, will dig into it!

There’s an ensemble for a calendar that you can pick apart pretty easily. With only a little customization you could really make it do whatever you want.

I presume you would want this to be synced with say your iCal or Google Calendar?

Yes iCal or google Calendar would be awesome.. Ensemble sounds like a good place to start! does it display a full calendar on the front end of the site too? Ideally want something that is a simple check box mechanic for Available and Booked for Morning and afternoon of each day and if so, display a graphic on a calendar to represent Booked or Available..

@dougoftheabaci, which Ensemble is it? not quite sure which one would be appropriate?

Well I thought about introducing this kind of thing on my site, but then I didn’t feel it had value. For example, what if I was going through a lean spell? Do I want my competitors or my potential customers to see that I’m not busy. Also I didn’t want my potential customers to see that I was too busy for work.

I see your point NickToye. This is for a site that performs Orthotic services, so the client is looking to promote the availability of consultation times etc.. so maybe still relevant, but yes showing your competitors where and when your busy could have it’s down side.. a registered area might be better for scheduling work, I think bauhaus’ Ensemble as frikin awesome.. just installed it and I’m trying to get my head around his Calendar section.. looks amazing and very in depth.

Seriously if I ever become rich I would move heaven and hell to get Mr Bau as a member of my team.

The ensemble doesn’t seem to be on the site anymore, good thing it’s still on GitHub.

I sort of agree with NickToye that availability calendars can be a it iffy. I decided not to implement one specifically because of the fact that I don’t want prospective clients to know that I have a lot of free time. In my mind it sends the wrong impression.

One thing I’m doing on an upcoming site I’m making is having it say, “I’m available to take on more projects.” This could mean anything as most designers have multiple projects going at any one time.

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