
Hi Guys,

I just came across a strange issue where some of my Symphony MySQL tables have the “latin1swedishci” collation set, instead of the utf8generalci.

This is probably because it’s the default for the database (why? :/ ) and I’m not sure it’s of great consequence, but I wonder why some tables do have ‘utf8generalci’ set…

I’ve set everything to UTF-8 when installing b.t.w.

I did export and import the Symphony tables between databases though (testing in various environments) so that might be the culprit. (I can’t remember if the tables were changed or were always set incorrectly)

Anyway, I just manually ALTERed all TABLEs to use COLLATE ‘utf8generalci’.

Symphony still runs and no errors are reported so I assume this is fine (?)

Here’s another thread on this problem.

David, if your db server is set to default to latin1_swedish_ci, then anytime Symphony or one of its extensions creates a table without specifying the collation, it’ll get created as latin1_swedish_ci. I also think there are issues with some servers that don’t like being told what collation to use when creating tables.

@Czheng, thanks. This seems indeed to be the issue. I’ve set the correct Collation for the whole database using PHPMyAdmin. Next time I should check this before installing Symphony I guess.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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