
Upgrade is only possible from 2.0 beta rev 5. But where do I find if I've upgraded to rev 5 in the past? I thought it should be in manifest/config.php. But there is no info about this.

Yeah I thought this. The manifest is not touched by the upgrade, so that will always remain as was when first installed.

Can we not have like a version number set in the interface somewhere?

Okey. So there is no easy way to know if I'm using rev 3, rev 4 or rev 5? If I take the route with a clean install, is there an easy way to transfer data?

Why would you want to do that? Just to have the right number? If you download S2 from the site, or get it from GIT repo then your going to have the latest version, and that version number is written.

No, I don't care about numbers. But according to the readme for the stable release, rev 5 is required for an upgrade. And since I don't know what version I'm on, I thought an upgrade would be impossible?

well you can find out by going into the manifest/config.php - line 12.

$settings['log']['archive'] = '1';

That doesn't seem like a version number to me :-)

OK, look for a line like this:

 $settings['symphony']['build'] = '2000';

That's not accurate unfortunately, I don't think it's changed since rev 1, time to bother Alistair about it I guess.

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