
I’ve installed SSM V 1.0.1 and using it within a simple section to point to another section that contains a text field and a file-upload field.

It works fine and displays the thumbnails, etc…

Settings are:

Allow Creation: On Allow select existing: On Allow Multiple: Off Allow De-Selection: On Allow Dropping: On Allow Sorting: On Field is OPTIONAL

The issue is that I cannot delete a selection resulting in “no selection” for the element.

If I click the (X), the selection goes away, but when I save, the page returns with a “random” selection (well, it is really not random, I suspect it is the first row in the associated section database)

Is this the correct place to post this type of bug report?


Thanks for your report, Rob. Michael has been testing the single select option last week and has been reporting similar issues (thanks for that by the way, Michael) — there are some bugs in the syncing of the selection, the queue and the hidden select box used to store the selected items in single select mode. I started fixing these issues in the development branch. I haven’t found the time to fix all related issues due to a family celebration last weekend but I hope to push all needed changes soon. In the meantime you could have a look a the development branch and see if your specific problem has yet been solved.

Is this the correct place to post this type of bug report?

You can either use the official thread or the GitHub issue tracker.

thanks for that by the way, Michael

You are welcome, Nils.

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