
Now that the 'Section Link' has been replaced with the 'Select Box Link' in Symphony 2.0, What should we do with our existing Section Links?

Is there plan for continued support for the 'Section Link' in future 2.0 updates? Will there be an extension to bring it back? Should I change all my 'Section Link's to 'Select Box Link's?

I see how the 'Select Box Link' is easier to use, but if you start to get a lot of entries, it can become impractical. With a site I'd like to launch soon, I have a few instances where I want to still use the 'Section Link' but also use the latest 2.0 release and future 2.0 updates.

You could just copy the file from the old Symphony release into the new one, it still works.

Is there potential for merging the two? Essentially a Section Link but the field has an option "Show drop down in entry", which would provide the functionality of the two.

No, there's another issue too, which is that sectionlink could point to multiple sections while selectboxlink cannot.

I have in the works a field that will try to enable this functionality, in addition to giving you the option to choose whether it gets displayed as a select or as an autocomplete text field (not a trivial thing when you're talking about dozens and dozens of entries). But, unfortunately, I'm not much of a programmer so it's slow going. And Rowan or Alistair will probably have to rewrite it anyway once I'm done ;)

The reason I point this out here is that if anyone with more serious Symphony/PHP/JS chops would like to take the reins, they're all yours... :)

You could just copy the file from the old Symphony release into the new one, it still works.

I understand that, but I want to know if the plan is to keep it working for all future 2.0 updates and if there will be a way to add it to fresh installs of 2.0 without having to find a copy of r5 and copying it over.

I personally like the Section Link. Even though it's a little counter-intuitive and limits linking entries to multiple entries, it serves a purpose pretty well.

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