
Does the team have any information on IE 7 compatibility of Symphony 2?

this bit of information is IE related: Microsoft plans on supporting IE6 until 2013 (roughly). Doesn't really answer your question, though hehe.

IE 7 has some inconsistencies, but it's certainly usable. I imagine support for IE 7 will improve.

Thank you, Lewis.

If Symphony will work in IE7 for website authors, it will be OK for me. Developers will use real browsers anyway. I do not care about IE6 for backend usage.

ya, just thought I'd throw it out there. For as long as i've used symphony, there has never been IE6 backend compatibility.

For as long as i've used symphony, there has never been IE6 backend compatibility.

Yup. In the past (i.e times of Symphony 1.7) all my clients accepted that they had to use Safari or Firefox for editing their websites.

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