
A new extension, “Required Checkbox” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

I don’t understand the use for this. One of two checkboxes, yes, but one single that has to be checked?

Can you explain a use case to me?


I’ve used something similar in the past when a form on the frontend has required a “Agree to the terms and conditions” box. But I used a custom field that hid itself from the backend, so its “required” validation only happened when submitted through an event. But thinking about it more, the requirement is more to do with form validation than the entry data itself (i.e. a ticked T&Cs checkbox isn’t a value you’d store, since you wouldn’t have the entry unless it had been ticked), so the validation should go into a customised event than a field.

But I’m sure there are use cases we’ve not thought of :-)

I never thought about it like that. I’ve only ever had to deal with validation from the front end, it wouldn’t have registered with me to do that, thanks!

I had to do the same thing yesterday, nick. I’ve looked around the forums and that was the only thing I could find. I guess there might be others like me who just don’t know an easier way to accomplish this, other then an extension. Not the most elegant way, but it works. :)

Works in 2.2.1. Good stuff :)

@nexsja and @buzzomatic would you mind me trying to update this for 2.3 and putting it on github?

I have tried to update the requiredcheckboxfield and it appers to work in 2.3. The only thing is that the extension control panel keeps telling me to activate it in order to update to the recent version instead of just printing the current version after activation. I guess some part of the update process is not working, but I have no idea … should I put this thing on git, so someone else can have a look? Would this be a candidate for the Symphonists’ Account?

I think this extensions can be considered obsolete. 2.3.1 allows for required checkboxes from the core...

Thanks for pointing me to this Jens! Good news.

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