
I seem to having an issue getting my 2.1.1 install to detect the URL Router extension. No matter how many times I hit refresh, it refuses to appear. :) Thinking back, this may have happened before, but never with an extension I actually really wanted to use.

Any thoughts on what may be preventing extension detection or how I can provide you with more revealing information that may be applicable to sorting this out?

Have you named the folder (in /extensions) correctly? I know not all clones from GitHub get the foldername correct automatically.

I brought it in line with the other extensions within the folder, I think. I renamed it from “[creatorshandle]-Symphony-2-Router-[someotherbusyness]” to “symphony2_router”. That up to spec?

Try just “router”.

This is something that needs to go into extension development tutorials - always name your github repo the name as the required extension directory name ;-)

Thanks, Nick!

For future reference, if I run into this situation again, how can I see what the extension folder’s name should be?

Look at the class name in extension.driver.php. It is of the form extension_some_name. Name your folder some_name. That is, use everything to the right of extension_.

Good to know. Thanks!

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