
A new Extension, “Enhanced Tag List field” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Updated to v1.2, depends on Symphony 2.0.2

Based on Symphony’s built-in tag list field, the enhanced tag list provides two additional (optional) features:

  1. Suggestion threshold. A numerical value specifying the minimum number of times a tag must be used before it will appear in the suggestion list. Handy for keeping the interface tidier if you’ve got lots and lots of tags, but need only the most frequent ones in your suggestion list.

  2. Ordering. Symphony’s built-in tag list reorders tags on submission. Enhanced Tag List allows you the option of preserving the order in which you entered your tags, and provides an “order” attribute in the XML output.

  3. Custom delimiters (new in v1.1). Allows you to specify an alternative delimiter of up to 5 characters. Useful if your tags need to be able to contain commas, for instance.

  4. NEW Suggestions from external XML.

Get it


  1. Upload the ‘enhancedtaglist’ folder in this archive to your Symphony ‘extensions’ folder.

  2. Enable it by selecting the “Field: Enhanced Tag List”, choose Enable from the with-selected menu, then click Apply.

  3. You can now add the “Enhanced Tag List” field to your sections.


  1. Suggestion Threshold - Leave blank for no threshold. Otherwise enter any integer.

  2. Ordering - When adding the field to your section, check the “Preserve list order” box. Then simply enter tag list items in the desired order. You can reorder at any time by rearranging the input and saving the entry.

  3. Delimiters - Enter a delimiter of up to five characters (e.g. “;” “::” “+” etc). You can change your delimiter at any time for any field without having to reenter data.

  4. External XML Suggestions - Provide URL of external XML source, and XPath for selecting suggestion elements.

I've got a strange problem. After I enter tags, Symphony is auto-arranging them in reverse alphabetical order, Z-A. This is happening whether or not I have "Preserve list order" checked. Am I the only one experiencing this?

Yeah, I'm seeing it too. Strange. Working on it...

Update I think I've got this worked out, but I'd like to do some more testing first.

Update Nope, gonna need Alistair's help on this one. Will post an updated versoin as soon as I have one.

Update This was a Symphony issue that is now fixed. You'll need to update Symphony. I've also refactored the extension a bit, so you should update the extension too.

Forgot to say a couple of days ago - thanks! So quick with the updates...

Updated to v1.1, compatible with Symphony 2.0.2. Adds the ability to specify a custom delimiter for your tag lists.

Today at work I threw together a version of this field that can pull its suggestion values from external XML. If this sounds like a feature enough people would find useful, I'll look into rolling it into this extension. The way it would work, I guess, is that you probably select "External XML" in the "Suggestion List" field, and if you do, you are able to provide the URL of the XML and the XPath to the nodes whose content will populate the list. Anyway, let me know...

czheng, that would be really cool. I don't have use for that right now, but possibility of using Symphony Pages generated content as a source for tag list is really awesome :).

Another great feature would be optionally enabled auto-complete :).

How about an XML list with all countries such as

Ideally, this functionality would include external xml caching since the function might break when the XML file is removed. Also, such a large list would work better with auto-complete functionality.

Yeah I was thinking about caching today. I wonder if the way to do it is to build the array and then store it in the DB...

Autocomplete also sounds cool, and probably do-able since I've already implemented it on the Referencelink field.

Any other thoughts before I get started?

Hi czheng,

I noticed a problem with the Enhanced Tag List today with Internet Explorer 8 where the tag items are not clickable in the publish section.

It's an Internet Explorer 8 issue no doubt and I rather wouldn't use it at all, but seeing symphony runs (almost) ok on IE8 now it would be great if this would work as well ;)

Is there any way to fix that perhaps?

Yeah, sure thing. I'll look into it soon(ish).

Thanks czheng, that would be great :)

Hey, do you get this problem too with a normal taglist? Enhanced Tag List extends the core taglist field, so it's possible the issue is there... Would be helpful to know before trying to troubleshoot...

Yes you're right.. Should have seen that ;). I also happens with the normal taglist, so I am guessing it is a system issue.

Possibly some of the mouse event are not going ok in the admin.js (line 883)?

Hi czheng,

Is it possible to have tags automatically removed from within the selected list if the tag entry itself is deleted?

Can you clarify what you mean exactly?

Hi czheng,

Well suppose you have added a tag from the suggestion List so it shows up in your tag list. And then delete the item that tag is tied to, the tag still shows up in your tag list.

I am using the enhanced taglist to get a list of tags and build a little submenu which will load some extra content based on that tag's handle. So it would be great of all tags are valid :)

Hmm. So if you delete an entry in a Tags section, you want the system to delete all references to that tag in all taglists in all sections?

I'm not entirely sure how that would work because taglist items are not relationships on par with Select Box Links or Reference Links. You can fetch the suggestion values from another section but in reality they are just stored as text. It sounds to me like you're better off using Select Box Link, Reference Link, Bi-link, or something like that...

Yeah, that would be it ;). I am guessing that's a lot of work though..

I would be using the other two options if that would let you retain the chosen order of the tags as well..

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