

Sympony CMS is great. I have used it in projects as a back-end for Gaia Framework based Flash sites. One thing however is lacking. The endusers of the CMS have little experience with digital publishing or whatever. Still they want control over the media they publish. The main thing is that users must be able to upload any image (small or large straight from camera >3mb) and must be able to control the part of the image that will be visible using a crop tool. I tried to implement this using the Image Cropper field by klafertief. This works but users keep uploading images of >3mb and I must have some control on the max upload dimensions, and downsize them if large than e.g. 1024px (width or height). This functionality is similar to what WordPress offers nowadays. I noticed a Advanced Upload Field extension but his however does not work with the Image Cropper tool. Also, this extension tends to generate PHP errors regarding max memory is exceeded even this is set on an acceptable level (it used PHPThumb).

Right now I need to satisfy my client by offering the functionality they need. I am not a Symphony expert, so I am looking for someone to help me (to hire) to help me deliver this functionality.

Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding extensions, new developments, etc. in order to deliver a robust image handling functionality?

Best regards,

EDIT: In other words, is there a way to combine the functionality of the Advanced Upload Field and the Image Cropper?

In other words, is there a way to combine the functionality of the Advanced Upload Field and the Image Cropper?

Yes. We should create a new one for the core that combines the different ideas floating around.

In other words, is there a way to combine the functionality of the Advanced Upload Field and the Image Cropper?

To support the Advanced Upload Field in the Image Cropper Extension it should just be a matter of adding its type to the supported fields. You can do that in line 240 of field.imagecropper.php by appending OR type="advancedupload" to the query. (I should create a proper array of supported fields in a more sensible place.) The only thing the Image Cropper Field needs to work is a link to the image in the Publish Page.

I hacked the Advanced Upload Field together just for the sake of it in a free afternoon but never really used it. A couple o weeks ago I found pointybeards fork of the Unique Upload Field called Image Upload Field with which you can control the size of uploaded images. It uses JIT to downsize large images. This field should work with the Image Cropper with an adapted change above, too.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

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  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
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