
Right, I’m having issues developing an extension…

Basically, what I’m doing is modifying Brent’s Dynamic JSON datasource to work with CSV files instead. I have all the right functions, which initially rely on fopen() and fgetcsv(), but as it’s a datasource, I can’t use them… What I need is an array like fgetcsv() returns.

The first problem I’ve run into is that the Gateway class returns a string, and replaces my newlines or returns for spaces, which breaks my CSV. Is there any way to get it to return an array of strings instead? Or would I have to modify that Class to do that? An array of strings is what fgetcsv() returns, which I can then iterate over.

Any thoughts?

I’ve just thought, is fsockopen() similar to fopen()?

If so, how can I force my $ch->exec() to use that instead of curl? Also, does this return a string too, or a resource (as that is what fopen() returns in my csv function)

I hope this makes sense?

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