
I just updated an installation to 2.1.1 but while doing so, i made some backups of extensions and left them in the extensions folder. After hitting “update”, i was show the can't redefine class name (or something to that effect) when you have two extensions with the same name in that folder. now, since the update happened and then getting that php error, I was unable to get the reset password to my account. I have gone through the password recovery steps, but for some reason, I’m unable to change my password in the admin panel under my profile. I keep on getting that orange error box saying my Wrong password. Enter old password to change it. Any clues on how I can get around this?

Did you check the release notes? The password hashing algorithm changed.

Make sure you ran update.php, otherwise your DB won’t be able to handle the new password hash.

ya, i went through those steps with the update. the thing is, on the resulting page after running the update, I had that php error. Then, after fixing the php error, I wasn’t able to get my temporary password that the symphony creates after doing that update.

I assume you have access to the database. Create a clean install, locally or wherever, of Symphony 2.1.1 with the password you want. Copy the hash from password field of the sym_authors table for your user to the same table of the updated install. Log in.

didn’t know how to do it via the db, so actually did it with somewhat of a hack, but worked for me.

  1. Open up the newly created manifest/config.php file.
  2. edit ~line 18: 'version' => '2.1.1' to something like 'version' => '2.0.8RC2'. This is actually important b/c the update.php file does some sort of check against versions so make sure it’s the original version you updated from before.
  3. Then run the update.php page again and voila! new password created and able to login and update to a different password.1.2.

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