
Is there any way to resize images proportionally, can’t get it to work with the JIT, like


What I’m trying to do is to resize proportionally to a boundary box (400x300) regardless of input format

thanks, J

I’ll answer myself:

this might be it:

You might want to try mode=2 which is “resize and crop”.

Something like:


2 is the mode, and 5 is saying crop to the centre (see the grid at the bottom of the above URL).

Thanks, but that crops the pic

I need to do this (didn’t know you could pass 0 as argument)


/image/1/400/0 and

and then somehow choose the smallest


I’ve been wanting the exact same aswell for a photo album.

Cropping the images does not seem to be the best approach, as some details of the photo get lost that way.

I have solved this by adding an if statement in the xslt that checks the aspect ratio, and chooses one of the hrefs accordingly.

From what I recall, the if statement looked something like this:

<xsl:if test="(image/meta/@width div image/meta/@height) &gt; (4 div 3)">
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
        <xsl:value-of select="concat($root,'/image/1/400/0/',image/@path,image/filename)"/>
<xsl:if test="(image/meta/@width div image/meta/@height) &lt; (4 div 3)">
    <xsl:attribute name="href">
        <xsl:value-of select="concat($root,'/image/1/0/300/',image/@path,image/filename)"/>

Hope that helped.

EDIT: this should ofcourse be placed inside the image tag.


Danku, J

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