
I may be being completely dumb here but if I have a DS that has statistics like number of goals scored. How do I sort by that number?

I presumed that I sort by the node that contains the data, but its not sorting by it.

I have 40, 310 and 100.

By choosing Ascending, I get this:

40 310 100

Any ideas?

Yep being dumb.

Added data-type="number" and were golden.

Another way is by using the number field, and get your DS to sort by the field, you'll get what you are after.

Alistair, I could do that - but I have a DS that has different fields that need sorting for different lists. Basically running a statistics site for my team, and I would want to sort from Appearances, Goals, etc....So doing it actually in the xslt allows me to use the same DS for different places.

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