
This may seem a silly question but I’ve searched the forums, the documentation, GitHub and the Symphony README.markdown for clear instructions on upgrading Symphony.

My Symphony 2.1.1 install needs upgrading to 2.1.2. I can probably figure it out but I am a bit hesistant since I obviously do not want to break stuff or overwrite my custom .htaccess etc.

The ReadMe mentions upgrading primarily in the context of changes re: previous versions e.g. the password SHA1 hashing, not in general.

A update.php is mentioned, suggesting that I should upload the new files (minus workspace on existing installs!) and consequently run update.php. Is my (custom) .htaccess safe or will it be overwritten?

It’s not that I will not figure this out, but upgrading is a sensitive process and users (me) are hesitant and careful not to break stuff. They need to be reassured and guided with clear instructions imo.

The docs mention that an upgrade guide is forthcoming, may I suggest to make this a priority :-)

Maybe an experienced Symphony user would be so kind as to outline some general instructions on upgrading Symphony in this thread.

Thanks a lot.

I’ve upgraded a couple of sites just by overwriting the extensions- and symphony-folder and executing the update.php-file; I never had any issues.

Nevertheless, making a backup before updating is offcourse always recommended (not just for Symphony, but for anything you ever update).

edit: I also read in the readme:

Note: As of 2.0.6, there is no longer a need to backup /symphony/.htaccess.

So I think your .htaccess will be fine. But if you’re not sure: backup!

There have been no changes I’ve seen with the .htaccess in all the 2 versions I’ve used, so putting your custom one over the top of the Sym one will not yield any undesirable effects…

Back up though…

Thanks guys,

So basically one should:

  1. Backup all current files (I always do :P )
  2. Upload the new files (and overwrite the old Symphony files)
  3. run update.php
  4. <del>Hope and pray</del><ins>Do the dance of joy</ins>

So a couple of questions:

  • Do I need to disable all extensions first?
  • The .htaccess will be appended, not overwritten, right?

Thanks for your replies.

Your extensions will work, but when the version numbers are different the ‘Enabled’-status will be ‘No’. Re-enabling them will run the update()-functions of the extensions in question (if any) and update the version number in your database.

I’m not sure what the updater does with your existing .htaccess-file.

Sorry about this. It’s been on the top of my docs list since the very beginning, but keeps getting knocked off by other stuff. Will try to get something up soon.

Craig, do you want me or Andrew to take this? Edit: my Git article should help Git folks upgrade…

Thanks guys for the quick replies. I’ve said it before, but besides the awesome-ness of Symphony itself, the helpful community is a huge plus.

@jonasd where can we find your Git article(s)? They will be part of the official docs, right?

So can I upgrade directly from 2.0.4 to 2.2 core without any issues you think? are are there any major changes that could cause something to blow up?

Should be fine. Read the post-update text which will alert you to the fact that your passwords will have changed (changed in 2.1). You'll also have to update most of your extensions, so be sure to thoroughly test the front and backend of your site.

Yep cool i'm on it.... offline upgrade first, then boom.. online..

EDIT: Read above extensions should be fine to leave on.

So sorry to have to revisit this guys but I am having an issue updating to 2.3.1 from 2.3

I have a working git install with a remote symphony to github. Obviously I have deleted my /install etc locally (my mom would be proud).

Now I've done a git pull symphony master (from my remote). This results in some conflicts: workspace edits of .htaccess and missing /install etc.

Anyhow, I think I've resolved those conflicts but going to gives me:

Symphony Fatal Error: MySQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'e.modification_date' in 'field list' in query: SELECT SQL_CACHE `e`.id, `e`.section_id, e.`author_id`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`creation_date`) AS `creation_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.`modification_date`) AS `modification_date` FROM `sym_entries` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `sym_entries_data_2` AS `t2` ON (`e`.`id` = `t2`.entry_id) WHERE 1 AND `e`.`section_id` = '1' AND (`t2`.page_id IN ('7') OR `t2`.handle IN ('7') OR `t2`.title IN ('7')) ORDER BY `e`.`id`DESC LIMIT 0, 1

So there's some missing sym_entries.modification_date etc.

Is update.php not supposed to alter these tables for me?


UPDATE I just realized I should have gone to (which runs the updater if appropriate).

/install, however, gives me another error: require_once() failed opening /install/lib/class.installer.php in install/lib/class.updater.php on line 5 (class.installer.php is not there, there is a class.installerpage.php). Is class.installer.php missing or should class.updater.php use class.installerpage.php instead?

** UPDATE 2 ** Those files should have been there and in some way I have been able to completely b0rk my (git) working directory. I will simply start completely fresh with a new git repo and simply use the 'plain' Symphony download :/

If it's any consolation, I get the exact same error ') ORDER BY e.idDESC LIMIT 0, 1'! It started the second I changed my datasource after using an ensemble.

EDIT: I went to the datasource and deleted two of the three parameters in my filter source and it began working. If I had any more than one failed.

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