
Anyone having trouble uploading files via the Choose File field?

I am on Safari and its just not having it at all.

Everything OK here. I'm on Safari 3.2.1 (latest version).

Just to be sure: Are you talking about the "choose file" button?


Still no dice. It worked before the upgrade.

In my experience Safari has a tendency to suck at uploading files. Does it work in Firefox?

No, not even Firefox.

This sounds really strange. Did you double check that you indeed created a file upload field? If yes:

  • Are you using the stable Symphony build or have you checked out the latest development version from Github?
  • Are you running any extensions?

And what specifically isn't working? Such as:

  • Can you see the field when you create/edit an entry?
  • Can you choose a file from using the browse/choose form element in your browser?
  • Do you receive an error message when you save the entry?
  • Are you sure the upload destination directory is writable?

What happens is, when I go to upload a file via the field, and then save, it doesn't save, although the image file does go into the folder - but not into the xml data.

Anybody fancy diving in and taking a look?

Have You checked data source? Does it have "file" selected as one of the "Included Elements"?

file isn't there. But pic is, pic is the element I have named for the file upload field.

I'm still not clear on what the problem is. You're saying that the file is indeed saved in your upload folder, and that you are seeing it in your XML, so what's the problem? What's not saving?

I am not seeing it in the XML.

When You debug page, are there any errors in XML?

Does that file contain some non-basic letters (i mean outside of a-z range, accented characters, etc...)?

Can You check database and see if pic field table contains newly uploaded file name?

Nick, I'm completely lost now. To clarify:

  • You have an Upload field named "Pic"
  • You can correctly save a file to this field and it is saved properly (it is maintained there when you revisit the entry, and the file is saved to the appropriate destination)
  • You have a Data Source selecting entries from this section and the "Pic" field is definitely selected in the "Included Elements" list
  • The pic element simply doesn't appear in an entry node in your DS XML, or there is a pic element but it does not have the file information associated with it?

No, it is not maintained there. Its like its not being attached to the entry, but when I look in the folder in the ftp it has been uploaded.

And this is definitely the native, untouched File Upload field from v2.0 (and not an upload file Extension)?

So I take it it's not there when you go back to re-edit the entry? It's not listed?

Can you:

1) Check your DB to verify whether the entry is being made there? It should be in symentriesdatan where n is the field instance's number. You can find that number in symfieldsupload it'll be the fieldid for that particular instance. Let us know whether symentriesdata_n is being populated when you upload. I suspect that it is not.

2) Check your manifest/logs/main file and let us know if you're getting any errors there.

OK, they are not going into the database.

22:13:29 > WARNING: 512 - MySQL Error (1054): Unknown column 'mimetype' in 'field list' in query "INSERT INTO sym_entries_data_57 (entry_id, file, mimetype, size, meta) VALUES ('151', '/pics/EvertonLineker1986_H.jpg', 'image/jpg', '9557', 'a:3:{s:8:\"creation\";s:25:\"2008-01-25T15:28:36+00:00\";s:5:\"width\";i:240;s:6:\"height\";i:140;}')" in file /nfs/c02/h03/mnt/29224/domains/ on line 383

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