
In preparation of version 2.2 I reviewed Symphony’s language management. While I added new functions for date localization I also found two functions that are redundant or never used by the system, Lang::add() and Lang::getBrowserLanguages(). These functions have been removed in the current integration branch on GitHub but I like to discuss this for a moment:

  1. I couldn’t find any public extension using Lang::add() and it was a simple alias to Lang::load(). If anyone is using this function, please simply replace add() with load() and everything will continue working in Symphony 2.2.

  2. The second function returns an array sorted by priority of all languages accepted by the visitor’s browser. This function was once created to allow automatic language selection during installation, but due to the fact that Symphony never bundled languages in the core but used extensions instead this functionality could never really been used. Furthermore the returned language codes do not necessarily match Symphony’s naming convention for languages (e. g. So Symphony does not use getBrowserLanguages() anywhere in the system but there are at least to extensions I am aware of that call it inside their code: Language Redirect and Language Field (though I’m not sure if the latter is still developed actively).

I’d like to propose that those extension add the function directly to their codebase as the function isn’t used in the core — which wouldn’t be a big deal if we are talking about just these two extensions I guess.

My question is: are there other extensions relying on getBrowserLanguages()?


I’m experimenting with symphony2.2beta, but the Language redirect extension is not working anymore, error: Fatal error: Call to undefined method Lang::getBrowserLanguages() in D:Websitessymphony22extensionslanguageredirecteventsevent.languageredirect.php

After removing this line, the redirect give the 404 error…




Hi Wannes,

the ‘Lang::getBrowserLanguages()’-method doesn’t exist anymore in Symphony 2.2. Before I get the time to update the extension you can just copy the method from Symphony < 2.2 into the extension and modify the places where the function gets called to (probably) something like $this->getBrowserLanguages depending on where you put it.


thanks for the fast reply, it’s almost working now: is working, but gives error 404, i tried with a <2.2 htaccess but same problem.

Thx Wannes

Just for quick reference for everyone Lang: getBrowserLanguage() method is below

public static function getBrowserLanguages() {
        static $languages;
        if(is_array($languages)) return $languages;

        $languages = array();

        if(strlen(trim($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) < 1) return $languages;
        if(!preg_match_all('/(w+(?:-w+)?,?)+(?:;q=(?:d+.d+))?/', preg_replace('/s+/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']), $matches)) return $languages;

        $priority = 1.0;
        $languages = array();
        foreach($matches[0] as $def){
            list($list, $q) = explode(';q=', $def);
            if(!empty($q)) $priority=floatval($q);
            $list = explode(',', $list);
            foreach($list as $lang){
                $languages[$lang] = $priority;
                $priority -= 0.000000001;
        $languages = array_keys($languages);
        // return list sorted by descending priority, e.g., array('en-gb','en');
        return $languages;

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