
Hey HTML5 Boilerplate users. I took Paul Irish’s index.html file from the and made a master stylesheet of it.

Here’s the stylesheet. It’s also, here with a fork of HTML 5 Boilerplate.

Very cool! Thanks for sharing - look forward to trying this out.

Nice work, Brian :-)

Great this was on my 2do list too…
bzerangue, are you using the htaccess template also? Does it play nice with the symphony htaccess, and JIT? This file is overwritten with system updates, and shoudl be modified via extensions, or is that a thing of the past?

I haven’t used it yet. I’ve tested to make sure the XSLT template works, but I haven’t fooled with the .htaccess. Actually, if I were you, I would stay away from the HTML5Boilerplate URL Rewrite stuff since Symphony already does that in its .htaccess.

Hi Brian, I am considering using your master stylesheet for a default html5 ensemble, but could use some git advise over here

thnx brian !


Thanks for this! I adopted HTML5 Boilerplate a while ago, but only found Symphony recently, so this save me a bit of work. Can anyone recommend an approach to using the Boilerplate build script in this configuration?

@Anhedonia: the HTML5 Boilerplate uses an ANT script to collect files, concatenate JS and CSS resources and minify them.

Currently, there is not such build file available for Symphony (at least not out-of-the-box). You will need to create this yourself or adjust the HTML5 Boilerplate ANT script. I would not recommend the latter for it seems a bit bloated. Just strip it and use the parts you need.

Personally, I'm using Maven because I prefer convention over coding and it allows me to easily package and deploy my sites. If you want I can attach my POM file.

It seems there are two approaches to get the results (minification, inlining, etc.), both of which would fit with the Symphony architecture (and avoid the tedium of a build step).

An event could do the post-processing as each page is loaded, or two alternative templates could be maintained. The former would introduce overhead, though, while the second risks getting out of sync.

and avoid the tedium of a build step

Yes, you can minify on run-time, but as a release manager I strongly prefer build-time optimization. It is a shame if you consider build scripts to be tedious, for they play an important role in releasing software in modern development methodologies (which include Build Automation, Continuous Integration and Automated Testing)

The tedium comes from re-building constantly during development (which isn't an issue with Symphony, but bugs me on other platforms). The reasons you give are excellent and build-time does make more sense to me. I'm just interested to see an example. Would you mind sharing the POM file?

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