
Hi, I'd like to be able to pop up a map on a site I'm building to allow people to choose the country they're from (or the one nearest them | US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) and show them different content(targeted case studies, client logos etc) based on their country.

I'm guessing I would set a cookie using the Cookie Monster Extension (no clue how to use it) but how do I show the different content is the cookie made available in the Params as soon as its set, could I get with {$cookie-country-name} or something similar.

I guess I'm just looking for some clarification on how easy/difficult it would be to set this up. Any ideas?

  • Eoghan

slightly OT; If you would like to cater to Canada, you could consider serving them french texts based on their browser setting with this extension As for country setting, this can be automated also

IP country detection is not reliable FWIW.

I don't really want to detect the country, I'm asking them which country they are from or the nearest country to them, I'm just not sure how to set the country once they choose. I have no idea how the cookie monster extension works for example but that's probably the avenue I should go. If it was just flat php, no xslt, that's what I'd do.

Really I'm looking for the best option with S2

Did you ever find a solution to this? If, could you post? I am facing a similar situation.

similar topic here

google might be most realiable?

oh allen also has an extension that detects country by ip… guess its new and not an update from the old

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