
At our company, a lot of client come with their own, crappy hosting. It’s up to us to check if that hosting is Sympony-compatible. So we go check with phpinfo() to see if everything is correct.

However, sometimes a small error might slip through and when the website goes live new errors rise all of a sudden.

To avoid this I created a small script, check.php, to place in the root of the server to detect if the server is ‘Symphony-friendly’.

alt text

You can download it here. Any suggestions are welcome!

Just wanted to share it with you guys…


+1 for checking for safe mode ;)

Nice. This a really helpful tool.

This looks very useful. Thanks for sharing, kanduvisla.

Bedankt Giel!

Very handy. One thing I noticed though, when testing on one of my shared hosting environments (Byte), is that it incorrectly reported Mod_Rewrite as being ‘wrong’ (‘unsupported, unavailable’).

This is probably because their servers do not expose the HTTP_MOD_REWRITE environment var., or do not allow apache_get_modules(); or do not expose the loaded modules in their PHP Info();

Is it possible to extend your Mod_Rewrite check to properly detect the module in this scenario?

Nice one. I always thought something like Shaun Inman’s Mint Server Compatibility Suite would be good for Symphony.

@davidhund: Graag gedaan!

I added a third mod_rewrite detection which makes uses of the phpinfo()-function. Could you check if it works now?

@Kanduvisla. It still does not work. The issue in my case might (also) be that the host does not expose this info (loaded modules) in the phpinfo();

INFO_MODULES does not list Mod_Rewrite since there is no PHPINFO section ‘Apache’ listed.

This is probably because PHP is run in CGI mode(?).

PS: I like the phpinfo() switch of your old script.

@davidhund: hmm, yeah I believe I read somewhere that in CGI mode mod_rewrite is not shown… I’m not sure on how to fix this. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know…

I also added the phpinfo() switch back to the script.

Updated to v1.01:

Now also checks for the optional allow_url_fopen = On, since some extensions use fopen() with the http://-prefix.

Perhaps this should be part of the Symphony package / installer script...

Perhaps this should be part of the Symphony package / installer script...

I don't know, but that might not work out so well if Symphony is being installed in a webserver other than Apache. (E.g. Hiawatha rewrites URLs via a different mechanism than mod_rewrite.)

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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