

I’m playing around with the Members Reference Ensemble. I just cannot figure out how the “Special Members Only Page” works? How can I create a page, then restrict it so that only a logged-in person can access it?

Thank you Balint

First, you should definitely check out the Members Extension Reference Ensemble. You might have to set up a separate Symphony install now just to set it up, but it includes some really helpful XSL and general usage cases to understand the Members Extension.

To answer you question though, if you’re wanting to restrict a page so that only logged in people can see it, then just go to roles and change the Guest account to NOT have access. (And any other Roles that shouldn’t be able to see the page).

If you’re asking about denying certain people from certain pages, then you need to attach a “Member Link Field” to a section and change all Roles to “Edit Own” so they can only see/edit their own. It might involve some datasource filtering as well.

Yes, for learning I’m using the Reference Ensemble. In this ensemble there is a page called “special-members-only-page”. I have to first login as a “member” to access it otherwise Symphony redirects to a forbidden page. How is this achieved?

I tried creating another simple page with the same functionality without any luck. In the Blueprints/Pages section it’s basically a copy of the “special-members-only-page”. I was looking at the “Roles” section but again didn’t find anything specific about this page.

What you’re writing about the “Member Link Field” plus the Roles editing seems logical, but in the reference ensemble there’re only two options: Global Permissions and Members:Register

Did you go into the “Guest” Role? Inside of that, at the bottom, it should list all of the pages you’ve created.


This is it! That’s what I was looking for everywhere! Ah, I feel so releived now, that’s great!

Thank you!

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