
I’m going through the Website issue tracker and have found what look like four duplicates of the same issue. The first dates about a year ago, the most recent only two months ago.

I can’t replicate any of these myself. I can:

  • create an issue
  • edit an issue (that I have created)
  • comment on an issue
  • edit a comment on an issue (that I have created)

Nils, makenosound and designermonkey, are you still having problems with this? I’m in the mood for fixin’.

What sort of crazy local links are you pushing on me? :p

I can’t replicate those bugs any more, so close away.

What sort of crazy local links are you pushing on me?

Whoops, updated :-)

I can’t replicate those bugs any more, so close away.

That’s good news, thanks mate.

Anyone else?

I cannot reproduce it anymore. Seems to be fixed.

I can’t reproduce it any more on the Site/Symphony issue tracker.

However, on the Extensions issue tracker, I can. See example issue here, one of your extensions Nick :P

Hurray! I’ve logged in as you on my local version of the site and I can replicate the bug. Hurray for replication, not hurray for the bug. Cheers.

No problemo!

Cripes, this is way beyond me, I have no idea how this custom members permissions gubbins works. Going to have to refer it to higher powers :-(

I just posted and edited both an issue and a comment to my own extension issue tracker and it’s working fine.

What if it’s on an extension that is not your own?

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