
Hi and congratulations for the great software you' ve made. Unfortunately I can't get symphony to work on my linux box. My server is the latest xampp version available. Installation of symphony went fine, but only the backend works, the frontend doesn't display anything, apart of 404 for some pages. The ?debug thing doesn't work either. The same xampp version on windows works perfectly with symphony and I'm wondering what I have did wrong.

However on a fresh installed apache server the problem is the same, does anyone succesfully installed symphony on linux?


Marko -

What version of PHP and MySQL are you using on your Linux box? Make sure it's ...

  • PHP 5.1.16
  • MySQL 4.1 and above
  • LibXSLT Processor - XSL Module (Provided by LibXML)
  • Some common modules: ZLib Compression Library and mod_rewrite Apache module

I did already checked the requirements and they are ok. Thanks for the help ^^

Sounds like .htaccess' mod_rewrite isn't enabled perhaps.

On the frontend, your default home page can be reached in the following ways:


Do all of these 3 return nothing?

Ttry adding these two lines to the top of your .htaccess file. This will enable PHP's error reporting regardless of whether it is disabled in the php.ini file. If the code is tripping up somewhere, this may give us a clue:

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting E_ALL

Thanks for the help but it still doesn' t display anything: no output and no errors. If I try to reach index.php with or without parameters, firefox serves the file as a download... Bye :(

marko, are You sure that You have .php files executed by PHP interpreter? Maybe they need also "executable" flag set?

Also, if administration pages work, but not frontend: are You sure You selected to install default content?

Yes default content has been installed and yes php parsing works. I made a couple of tests, however. I 've deleted the .htaccess, in order to resolve important things first. I tried the dumb test ever: replaced the whole content of index.php with a simple hello world and it worked, as installation worked too. BUT if I add an hello world right before symphony initialization code, surprisingly no output is generated. Moreover, if I write something with wrong syntax the error is correctly displayed. This is really strange and annoying. I hope it's just an isolated case as I still can't try on my host since it will be down for some time.

Thanks for the help!

You could try to put some output text before each line of Symphony code inside index.php. That should help to find out which part of initialization fails (if it does fail, and it's not something else).

I' ve already tried without any success. However I' ve just tested symphony on a free host and it seems to work fine with some modifications. "IndexIgnore *" in the .htaccess causes the server to generate a 500 internal error so i removed it. The file "class.xsltprocess.php" contains 2 calls to ini_set() which on shared hosts is often unavailable: removed too ^^

I' ll give up on my local server... thanks again for the support!

Thanks for information marko. Looks like a lot depends on how many things are removed by host :(.

The file "class.xsltprocess.php" contains 2 calls to ini_set() which on shared hosts is often unavailable: removed too

Heh :). Does error handling still work after that? For example, if You create new page, with just one tag added into default template:

<xsl:param name="bug" select="bugmenow()"/>

and then open that page through frontend, does it show error?

Or try to put mismatched tags like:

<p><b>Bug me now!</p></b>

and see if it shows error after trying to save changes.

Yes errors are displayed! Unfortunately a failed call to ini_set (at least on that host) blocks the entire script, instead of just going on... I can' t see any other solution :)

Yes errors are displayed!


Unfortunately a failed call to ini_set (at least on that host) blocks the entire script, instead of just going on...

Hmm... maybe that's because error handlers are being changed? Could You try adding @ instead of removing ini_set call? So it would look like:

$ehOLD = @ini_set('html_errors', false);

// [...]

@ini_set('html_errors', $ehOLD);

Maybe that will help preventing white page of death? :).

Yes I already tried the @ trick and it doesn't work. But I' m fine because the behaviour of symphony shouldn' t have changed anyway :) bye!

Thanks again for testing. Maybe You could fill out bug report about this case? No need to write again everything, just link to one of Your posts here :).

Just wrote the report, thanks again for the help ^^

Thanks for writing report :).

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

Compatible Hosts

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