

Here, in this forum, you got nice “Attachments” form included with nifty “Add more +” functionality. I would like to know how to create such thing for the Content editor. I searched the Utilities as well as the Extensions but no one seems (to me) to be providing such functionality. Is it true? I need it for adding attachments to articles. Thank you for any helpful ideas (even some general description on how to do it, or some direction to some “ensemble” implementing it or whatever else helpful you can imagine) would be highly appreciated too.

— mjf

The Subsection Manager extension should let you do this. It has lots of options, but can be configured to allow an inline entry creation form within another. If you add it to an Articles section, you can then include an Images section (which might contain only a single file upload if you wish) as an inline “subsection” within the parent section.

Aha! The Subsection Manager extension? I will look at it, thanks. We will soon see whether Symphony CMS “novice” can use it or not. Thank you very much for the hint.

— mjf

It works! Thank you.

For those who would not get the idea at the first glance as it was in my case, here’s some micro-howto:

  1. Create new section called, say, “Attach File”
  2. Add some (“File Upload” for instance) field to the “Attach File” section (or perhaps more than one field, depending on what you need)
  3. Edit/Create another section (I will call it “Parent Section” here), and add the “Subsection Manager” field to it
  4. In the Subsection Manager field configuration you have just added to your “Parent Section” choose the “Attach File” as the “Subsection” value
  5. Do whatever else configuration you like of the Subsection Manager field
  6. Save!
  7. Edit your Source and include the Subsection Manager in it! Note that this step is really crutial!
  8. Go to the Content/Parent Section and add/edit any entry there (you should see the subsection there)
  9. Voilà!

This extension looks very promising to me!

— mjf

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