
A new extension, “Hinted Text Input” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on the issue tracker.

Hinted Text Input field

In some places in the Symphony backend, a text-input field can be filled by clicking one of the values below.

An example is the section editor. All previously used navigation groups are listed below the input field. All that is needed to use one of these values is to simply click the value.

This field replicates that behaviour for a standard input field. The suggestions below the field are based on values currently used. These values are sorted by popularity.

Screenshot: alt text


Just so I understand… this is similar to a Tag field, but essentially allows one piece of text only?

Hmm.. May be.

I had searched the extension database for anything that would replicate the nav group input field, but couldn’t find it.

Can you please post a link to the field you are referencing to? The search function does not really return anything when I search for “Tag field”.

The default Tag List that comes bundled with Symphony.

Ah. In that case this extension is completely obsolete, lol.

Thanks for pointing it out, never knew! This thread (and the extension) can be deleted;)

On second thought, I can see cases where this field would work better than the tag list field. Maybe we should let it live, and let it be a lesson to look before you code ;)

I guess this extension is usefull for grouping data source. There’s no way to group tag list.

I used it to grouping in simple way a list of categories.

Anyway, I had to make some changes in the code to make it work:

public function install(){
                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sym_fields_hinted_text_input` (
                `id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
                `field_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
                `validator` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ,
                PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
                KEY `field_id` (`field_id`))"
            return true;

        public function uninstall(){
                "DROP TABLE `sym_fields_hinted_text_input`"
            return true;

Nice extension Huib. =]

@germchaos, thanks. I only tested it on 2.2, where the return true is no longer needed.

I will update it.

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