Happy Birthday Nick Dunn
This is an open discussion with 21 replies, filed under General.
Happy birthday, Nick. Wish you happiness and keep making things Dunn™
Happy birthday, Nick!
Thank you really much for your big contribution to Symphony. I hope your bio-electronic circuits (c’mon, we know you’re a cyborg!) will last long enough as to let you build new awesome things! ;)
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday. One normal human year is ten Nick Dunn years. I hear, you’re now older than Craig and I combined.
Happy birthday Nick!
Happy Birthday, Nick “Consider It” Dunn!
Happy Birthday Nick, thanks for all you’ve Dunn for the Symphony community!
Happy birthday Nick! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday, Nick!
Happy b’day!
Wowee thanks gents, I appreciate the sentiment.
Please don’t retouch my wrinkles. It took me so long to earn them.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday Nick…thanks for your help and keep up the great work
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!
In Japan I am, so a big: otanjoubi omedetou! to Nick. :-)
Is this Facebook? I thought I was in the Symphony forum.
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This is way off-topic, for sure, but if anyone around here deserves a birthday thread it’s the incomparable Nicholas Dunn. Wish him happiness and many, many more years to dedicate to Symphony ;)