
So now you can quickly and simply create entries in linked sections all at once, on your parent entry. And to make things better (?) it doesn't use frames.

One drawback, you need to have saved your entry before you can add sub entries, this is because until the entry is saved is has no ID, and we need the ID to link the sections together... anyway, probably not a big deal.

I'd also call this extension experimental, it could break (although it shouldn't).

Oh, and please let me know what you think!

Version 1.002

The first release ever, find it on github.

Sweet. Will put this through its paces soon.

Hm, this doesn't seem to work for me. I always get:

You must save this entry before you can edit this sub-section.

Even after saving ...

Sorry, knew I'd forget something, you'll need to get a very recent Symphony from githib. I made some changes that let me check if an entry has been saved.

Hi rowanji, great extension! Just one "minor challenge": The select box link field in the subsection does not pre-select the current entry -- instead it selects the latest entry (which is first in the list). Any way to solve this?

Is the select box link menu useful at all in a subsection? It allows for having subsections which are indeed linked to a different main entry.

I'll have to take a look I guess. Thanks for pointing that out.

Great extension. Is this posiible to create a subsection of subsection? I'm creating an image gallery. I've section "portfolio" > subsection "client" > multiple images as subsection. Is this possible?

You can't create a subsection in a subsection (well, you can, it just wont work) because Scotts JS doesn't know how to handle nested subsections (which would be crazy anyway).

Anyhow, currently the master branch contains a new version of the field, it is now actually two fields, the Sub Section itself and the Sub Section Child field.

I didn't want to keep using the standard Symphony linking mechanism because it only really allowed linking in one direction, so what I've come up with is a One to Many relationship, One Sub Section to many Sub Section Children.

Also included in this release, is the ability to output the children or parent (depending on which side of the relation you're getting) either as a list of items much like a traditional section link, or as complete entries, just like a normal datasource.

Treat this as a release candidate, it could break, but it shouldn't, and if it doesn't I'll make a real release. Also, it requires Symphony 2.0.1 for some features to work.


I was trying this out and finally figured out that I had to create a subsection child field in the actual subsection, I did, everything seemed fine until I tried to save the parent section when it threw an error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchFieldsSchema() on a non-object in D:\xampp\htdocs\aei\symphony\lib\toolkit\class.entry.php on line 99

Any idea on what the problem might be?



Glue Interactive

This is really weird.

It seems the subsection field is working only if the Select Box Link extension is activated, though it doesn't state that it requires it to function. Or does it?

Glue Interactive

Hey guys,

Thanks Rowan for a great plugin! very useful.

I am currently linking to a section, however I require more then one field in my subsection output.

Is there a way to output all the fields for the linked subsection in your DS as opposed to just the one that is being output now?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Checked out v1.009 on Github last night and this does exactly what you're after. Foffing amazing work, thanks Rowan :-)

This extension sounds like exactly what I need, but I’ve never actually gotten it to work. I always get something quite similar to this error: (as @degro did). Enabling/disabling the Select Box Link extension doesn’t make any difference in my case.

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