
Hi everyone,

I want to know if there’s a way to filter the entries in the backend by the author who created it. Using other words, an author can only see his own entries in the backend, in any section.

I’ve looked for a extension but I didn’t found it, neither found out how to create it by myself.

Does anyone knows something about?

Thanks a lot!

You can add an Author field to each entry, and tick the option which pre-selects the logged-in author when they create the entry. You can then install the Publish Filtering extension which will provide you with a dropdown to filter by author.

Symphony doesn’t provide full user management to control what an author sees, but I think the “Author Section” extension may be useful here.

Thanks for the tip @nickdunn, but I need to do this filter without user intervention. The author won’t imagine that there’s another entries except his own. I need to setup my backend to just show entries which belongs to the logged author.

Can someone show me the way? (if it exists? :p)


Did you look at Author Section?

Yes, I’ve already tried it, but this extension doesn’t helped me. Like the expressions to show/hide entries, it’s pretty useful, but is limited by the id of the entry, and not by the author.

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