

I noticed that as soon as you create a table with an input-element, it gets automaticly supplied with the selectable-helper (line 385 of admin.js). Is there a way to prevent this? It conflicts when a table has more than one input-element.

I was able to prevent this behaviour be removing the selectable-class from the table, but it seems that in Symphony 2.2 beta 2 this doesn’t cut it quite anymore.

Is there a way to fix this?

On the other hand: isn’t it rather strange that Symphony attempts to automaticly convert each table with the selectable-helper? Wouldn’t it be better if that if the functionality is desired the extension developer adds the selectable-class itself?

I was able to prevent this behaviour be removing the selectable-class from the table, but it seems that in Symphony 2.2 beta 2 this doesn’t cut it quite anymore.

Sounds like a bug to me. It’s not too late to report this and have it looked at for 2.2.

Changing line 385 of admin.js to this should fix this issue:

var selectable = $('table.selectable:has(input)');

@Nils: I know this fixes this issue, but I can’t ask each and every person who installs this extension to change a line of code in admin.js.

@Nils: I know this fixes this issue, but I can’t ask each and every person who installs this extension to change a line of code in admin.js.

Hehe, I don’t think that’s what he meant. It’s just there to make it easier for the person fixing it.

Exactly :)

By the way, JavaScript events in Symphony 2.2 are namespaced so it’s possible to detach events from certain elements.

I had a similar thing recently. I am using the new orderable plugin to rewrite my Order Entries extension, but found that the live binding on the table was conflicting so I had to manually remove the selectable class after applying my own ordering. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but it’s worth considering when ensuring that Symphony’s DOM/event manipulations are as private and robust as possible.

Which live binding was conflicting?

Got it slightly wrong. I had to remove orderable class to prevent this happening. Can I overwrite it by redefining it, or does it simply append a second event? Or do I need to remove the live binding myself?

That’s the old admin.js you are linking to, so I guess you meant this line:

You’ll have to unbind the event and bind your own function.

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