
I hope you don’t mind, but I thought I would record my findings when compiling a xAMP server from source.

The documentation assumes a fairly standard installation as found on a cpanel, but if you’re building a server from scratch, there are a few basic libraries to include.

Today I compiled PHP5 from ports and found that I needed the following (FreeBSD flavor):

php5-zlib php5-sessions php5-xsl php5-xml php5-json php5-dom php5-simplexml php5-mysql

The two that really threw me were the php5-sessions and php5-simplexml. Took a bit of work to trace these down.

I hope this helps someone… Bill

If you are planning on using JIT, you will also need the GD library.

Edit: which is called php_gd2 on my install.

Oh, excellent, thanks for that creativedutchmen!

You can add php5-ctype to the requirements.

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Symphony • Open Source XSLT CMS

Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.3-5.6 or 7.0-7.3
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.5 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

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