
Hi All-

Has anyone built or created an extension to connect with Campaign Monitor from with in the admin. So a user can create and send out campaigns from with-in symphony. Is it even possible?

Michael has written an Email Newsletters extension which lets you mass-mail directly from Symphony. It means you don’t need to use Campaign Monitor at all.

However I use Campaign Monitor and Mailchimp regularly. I use the CSV Import/Export extension to extract email addresses from Symphony, and upload them into the email sending application of choice. Creating campaigns directly in Symphony wouldn’t add any value to me, since Campaign Monitor’s interface is tightly toned and perfected for the email sending process, whereas Symphony’s is for content management.

Thanks Nick for the reply. I agree the CM interface is extremely tightly toned. I didn’t now if it was possible with symphony to streamlines the content publishing experience, using a single interface to both publish content to the web and create email campaigns.

We do have a C+S Event Filter extension here at work that attaches to events to automatically subscribe users.

Rowan originally wrote it, so I can prod him to make it public, or I may formalise my attempt at updating it for the new API if people would find it useful?

I too would be interested in a campaign monitor ext'n, just the ability to send a form off to the CM API subscribe process

essexboyracer I released the Campaign Monitor extension to do just that :)

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